Canon iR-ADV 6255 Reset Password | Maintenance Mode

I recently needed to reset the password for the main account. So I called our copier guys and he told me over the phone how to get into maintenance mode. I was able to follow the steps but the beginning part took me a while to get it figured out. Never did find the easy way. Just kept pressing them till the mode enabled.

How To Enter Maintenance Mode

  1. Press the settings button (has a face on it)
  2. Press 2 and 8 at the same time
  3. Then the settings button again. (If done right you will get a gray screen)
  4. ^ Repeat above till you get a gray screen. Its a pain I know!


To Clear the Password

  1. Get into service mode – steps above
  2. Go to Copier on the screen
  3. Function Button
  4. Page 1
  5. click pwd-clr
  6. Ok
  7. Turn off the copier and turn it back on.
  8. Done!


Default System Password and ID

ID:    7654321
PW:  7654321

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