Windows XP – MsMpEng.exe application error 0x5a4d684d

Yesterday 4-15-14 Microsoft released an update to System Center Endpoint Protections which led to machines being unusable. This seems to be only affecting XP machines. We have yet to have a Windows 7 machine with the same issue.

Upon turning your computer on your greeted with this message:

MsMpEng.exe application error 0x5a4d684d re memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.
This was all caused by a bad update to the definitions. Microsoft quickly released a new patched update.

How To Fix The Error

  1. Turn on your computer, during boot up press F8
  2. Go to Safe Mode
  3. Open Endpoint Protection
  4. Go to the Settings Tab
  5. On the left select Real-Time Protection
  6. Then uncheck Enable Behavior monitoring.
  7. Reboot the machine
  8. Open Endpoint Protection
  9. Go to the Update Tab and update your definitions.
  10. You can then go back into the settings and re-enable behavior monitoring.

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