Print Server | Scheduled Task to Clear Jobs and Services

Printers are notorious for causing headaches and frustration, and this was certainly the case for me as I managed a single Windows server with 167 networked printers. It seemed like every so often, print jobs would get stuck and I would have to manually intervene by stopping the print spooler service, cleaning out the print jobs folder, and then restarting the service. This was a simple fix, but after doing it for the umpteenth time, it became a tedious and annoying task.

Fortunately, I’ve found a solution that has saved me countless hours of frustration. By using a PowerShell script, I was able to automate the process of clearing out stuck print jobs and restarting the print spooler service.

The Batch File

To create a new batch file that can be used to clear print jobs, open Notepad and save a new file with the desired name (such as “clear_print_jobs.bat”). Next, copy and paste the following code into the file.

As for where to store the batch file, I prefer to keep my scripts in a centralized location on all my servers. For example, I like to store them at the root of C:_scripts. This approach makes it easy to locate and manage the scripts, while also ensuring consistency across all servers in the environment.

@echo off
net stop spooler /yes
ping -n 4 > nul
del /Q /F C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS*.*
ping -n 4 > nul
net start spooler

In a nutshell, this script performs the following tasks: it halts the spooler service, removes all print job files located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS, and then restarts the spooler service.

Scheduled Task

Open up Task Scheduler. Right click “Task Scheduler Library” and select “Create Basic Task”

Create a new basic task

Name it. I called mine Restart and Clear Print Jobs

For the trigger lets do daily (pick which one works for you)

Scheduled Task Trigger

We want it to recur every 1 day. Select an hour that would be the least inconvenient for your staff.

Daily trigger time

Select “Start a program”


Sset the following

Program/script: cmd

Add arguments (optional): /c start “” “C:_Scripts\clear_print_jobs.bat”

Start a Program

Click done. Now in the list of jobs double click the job we just created. On the General tab we need to adjust the security options.

Change the user to a service account you use the job will run under, click “Run whether user is logged on or not” and check “Run with highest privileges

General Settings / Security Options

That’s it! Enjoy the automation!

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